Ensure you have access to both the internal Unity repos (VictoR SDK, SDK Example Project) as well as the external Azure DevOps repos (Victor SDK, SDK Example Project)
Clone the internal Unity repo for the Victor SDK to your local machine
Launch Git Bash and navigate to the location of the cloned Victor SDK repo
Enter the following command to ensure you have the internal Victor SDK repo set as a remote: “git remote -v”
Enter the following command to add the external Victor SDK repo as a second remote under the alias “azure”: “git remote add azure https://eNovationFNHerstal@dev.azure.com/eNovationFNHerstal/VictoR Software Development Kit/_git/VictoR Software Development Kit”
The URL for this repo can be found by:Navigate to the web page for the Azure DevOps SDK project: https://dev.azure.com/eNovationFNHerstal/VictoR Software Development Kit
Select the Repos option in the left hand menu
At the top of the page, select the dropdown next to the name of the current repo, and select the repo you wish to add as a remote
Once a repo is selected, click the “Clone” button at the top right of the page to find the HTTP address of the repo
Enter the following command to ensure you have both the internal and external Victor SDK repos as remotes and push URLs: “git remote -v”
Repeat steps 2 through 7 for the Example FN SDK Unity Project repos, using steps 5a through 5d to find the appropriate URL for the Unity Example Project Azure repo
As of the last documentation update, the URL for the Azure repo of the Unity Example Project is: “https://eNovationFNHerstal@dev.azure.com/eNovationFNHerstal/VictoR Software Development Kit/_git/VictoR SDK Unity Project”