A plugins folder containing the necessary libraries to build either a UWP application or an Android application
Prefabs for a basic UI to allow for…
Scanning for VictoR devices
Connecting to scanned devices
Reading the Device Configuration and Device Information service on the device
Writing to the Device Configuration service
Disconnecting from connected VictoR devices
Scripts utilizing the Windows and Android VictoR SDK, along with prefabs using said scripts
An example scene bringing the above items together for a buildable UWP or Android application
Prefabs and Scripts
The prefabs for the example project can be split between two spaces: UI and VictoR SDK.
With both items defined, users can define their own Event to pass to the VictorAndroidBLEDeviceManager to be notified of attribute changes (for attributes that have the Notify flag enabled), connection state events, and device found events. It is important to remember that these callbacks will occur in a separate thread and should be especially noted if working on Unity Gameobjects that rely on these callbacks for modifications.
UI Prefabs
The UI prefab consists of a collection of controls that allow for scanning for devices, connecting/disconnecting to/from the device, and reading/writing to the device.
Additionally, a Log prefab is used by the VictorUIManager script to print out a number of informational, warning, and error logs in the scroll view of the UI.
Building The Unity Project
Latest Windows SDK Tested: 10.1.19041.685
Below lists the settings used to build and run a UWP project in Unity when using the Victor SDK package.
Latest Android SDK Tested: 32
Below lists the settings used to build and run a an Android project in Unity when using the Victor SDK package.