The VictoR SDK prefab makes use of the libraries contained in the Plugins folder to communicate with a VictoR device, through the attached VictorController script. The libraries used are determined by the platform the project has been set to. Currently, Universal Windows platform and Android are supported. The VictorController script also serves as both an example on how to use the Victor SDK for both platforms and is the primary script users should utilize when interfacing with the VictoR device from within a Unity project. It’s primary function is to use the appropriate device manager (Windows or Android SDK), dependent on the platform the application is running on. Once the appropriate device manager is instantiated, calls to Scan, Connect, Read/Write, and Subscribe/Unsubscribe can be made through the VictorController. The following will walk through how the Windows and Android DeviceManagers are handled through a Unity project.
When building a project for Android, the VictorSDK for Android requires an additional layer of bindings in order to interface with the SDK in C#. The VictorAndroidBLEDeviceManager script under the Scripts folder provides these bindings and is what users should leverage when making calls to the Android SDK. The example code below simply gives users a look into how users are able to make these callsthese bindings are done. The core of this layer resides in Unity’s AndroidJNIModule in the UnityEngine library. This allows for using android java objects and making calls on said objects. The following demonstrates how these calls are made as they relate to the VictoR SDK:
Latest Windows SDK TestedSupported: 10.1.19041.685
Below lists the settings used to build and run a UWP project in Unity when using the Victor SDK package.
Latest Android SDK TestedSupported: 32
Below lists the settings used to build and run a an Android project in Unity when using the Victor SDK package. It is important to note that a device plugged into the development machine has been detected and will be the target device the application runs on once the build succeeds and deploys to the device.