Versions Compared


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Additionally, users will need to add a dependency for the Serial Java library used by the SDK. This can be done by…


b modifying the settings.gradle file with the following highlighted




Image Added

…and adding a reference to the git repo for the serial library to the VictoRCommunications module.


Device Manager


The act of connecting and disconnecting to a device, as well as maintaining a record of connected devices, is handled by the device manager. Before any work can be done on reading, writing, and subscribing to services, users must first create and work with the device manager.

Code Block
import com.fn.victorcommunications.VictorBleDeviceManager;

public class MainActivity extends Activity
    VictorBleDeviceManager deviceManager;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        deviceManager = new VictorBleDeviceManager(this);
Code Block
import com.fn.victorcommunications.VictorUsbDeviceManager;

public class MainActivity extends Activity
    VictorUsbDeviceManager deviceManager;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        deviceManager = new VictorUsbDeviceManager(this);

Scanning for Devices

Once a VictorBleDeviceManager DeviceManager has been instantiated, a scan must be performed to identify any active VictoR devices accepting connections over bluetoothBLE or USB (dependent on the device manager instantiated). By default, scanning for devices is set to take 10 seconds, with a query for any devices with the term “victor” in its name, with case sensitivity not taken into account. Once the scan has completed, a Set of VictorDeviceInfo objects is returned, which each contain the name and address of a VictoR device. The following illustrates the work flow for a BLE device manager, but the same workflow exists for the USB device manager in all cases save for when specifying scan parameters, explained in the next section.

Code Block
import com.fn.victorcore.VictorDeviceInfo;
import com.fn.victorcommunications.VictorBleDeviceManager;

public class MainActivity extends Activity
    VictorBleDeviceManager deviceManager;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        deviceManager = new VictorBleDeviceManager(this);
    public void Scan()
        CompletableFuture<Set<VictorDeviceInfo>> futureScannedDevices = deviceManager.scanForDevices();


Users have a means to also specify VictorDeviceScanParameters when scanning for VictoR devices. Options include specifying the scan time, the string query for victor device names, and whether the case of the device name is important. It is important to note that the VictorDeviceScanParameters are not used when scanning for USB devices, as this uses an entirely different set of filters to find any connected devices over USB.

Code Block
import com.fn.victorcore.VictorDeviceInfo;
import com.fn.victorcore.VictorDeviceScanParameters;
import com.fn.victorcommunications.VictorBleDeviceManager;

public class MainActivity extends Activity
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        deviceManager = new VictorBleDeviceManager(this);
    public void Scan()
        deviceManager = new VictorBleDeviceManager(this);
        VictorDeviceScanParameters scanParameters = new VictorDeviceScanParameters();
        CompletableFuture<Set<VictorDeviceInfo>> futureScannedDevices = deviceManager.scanForDevices(scanParameters);


Once a powered on VictoR device has been found by scanning for devices with the VictorBleDeviceManagerDeviceManager, the resulting VictorDeviceInfo can be used to connect to the device along with the VictorBleDeviceManager DeviceManager that found the device.

Code Block
CompletableFuture<Boolean> futureConnected = deviceManager.connect(deviceInfo.getAddress());


Code Block
private final DeviceInformationService.DeviceInformationCallback deviceInformationCallback = new DeviceInformationService.DeviceInformationCallback()
    public void onCurrentBatteryLevelChanged(VictorDeviceInfo deviceInfo, short currentBatteryLevel)
    { -> debugTextView.append("Current Battery Level: " + currentBatteryLevel + "\n"));

deviceInfoService.subscribeToCurrentBatteryLevel(deviceInfo.getAddress(), deviceInformationCallback);

It is important to note that as of the ICD referenced at the start of this guide, the VictoR device does not support subscribing to battery level over USB.