Related Jira Issues
- FNSDKEXT-16Getting issue details... STATUS
- FNSDKEXT-17Getting issue details... STATUS
- FNSDKEXT-21Getting issue details... STATUS
- FNSDKEXT-40Getting issue details... STATUS
- FNSDKEXT-95Getting issue details... STATUS
Unity will utilize FN’s Azure DevOps solution to manage the building and packaging of both the FN SDK and the Unity example project. The following defines how Unity will make use of Azure’s built in build and pipeline tools to conduct proper CI/CD methods.
Azure DevOps Git Repo Maintenance
Two repos will be created in support of the FN SDK:
A repo for the the FN SDK library as its own standalone project will be created
A repo for the Unity project utilizing the FN SDK library will be created
.YAML File
A .yaml file will be included at the root of each git repo to enable the automation of builds and packaging of artifacts
Each yaml file will contain a single stage to define the various tasks to run according to a pre-defined schedule
FN SDK Library
A single job will be created to support testing, static code analysis, building and publishing of artifacts
Unity Project
A single job will be created to support testing, static code analysis, building and publishing of artifacts
FN SDK Library
The following tasks will be defined in the yaml file:
A static code analysis task will be written to automate detection of any vulnerabilities or poorly written code
An automated testing task will be written to run any unit tests written for the SDK
A build task will be written to produce a dll artifact
A publish task will be written to copy the resulting library artifacts of the build task to a specified sharepoint location
Unity Project
The following tasks will be defined in the yaml file:
A static code analysis task will be written to automate detection of any vulnerabilities or poorly written code
A batch script task will be written to build the example Unity scene
A container using a Unity build license will be utilized throughout the course of the project to allow for remotely building the Unity project.
NOTE: This container will only be valid during the course of development. FN will need to work with Unity to obtain their own Unity build license if they wish to continue building the Unity project post project delivery
A publish task will be written to copy the resulting appx file of the example Unity scene utilizing the FN SDK to a specified sharepoint location
Scripts will also be provided to assist with sideloading the UWP application
A build will be generated on the development branch on a nightly basis to ensure integrity of core, working branch
A build will be generated on the master branch on a bi-weekly basis to ensure the integrity of the delivery branch and support the production of artifacts for delivery at the end of each sprint
An additional yaml file will be created to enable building feature branches on a more frequent basis.
Batch Files
A batch file will be written to build the example Unity scene utilizing the FN SDK
SDK Artifacts
The following artifacts will be generated upon a successful build of the FN SDK
Release builds of any libraries built by Unity in support of the FN SDK
Builds of any dependencies of any libraries built by Unity in support of the FN SDK
Unity Artifacts
The following artifacts will be generated upon a successful build of the Unity project
An built UWP app of the Example scene utilizing the FN SDK for the Windows 10 OS platform
Any required libraries will also be generated as artifacts for the Unity project
A built Android application of the Example scene utilizing the FN SDK for the Android 10 OS platform
Any required libraries will also be generated as artifacts for the Unity project
Naming Conventions
Artifacts will contain the following information within their name:
A unique identifier to assist in differentiating builds from each other
An indication of the branch the artifact was generated from
An indication of the date the artifact was generated
An indication of the release version/milestone tied to the artifact
Retention Policy
Artifacts from builds in the development branch will be retained for a minimum of 2 weeks before being deleted
Artifacts from the main branch will be retained for the length of the project
Internal Repo Maintenance [Resource]
An internal, Unity facing git vcs repo will be created to mirror the Azure repo
Unity developers will connect their local git repo to both the Azure DevOps repo and the internal git vcs repo
Any changes made to the root development branch will be reflected both in Azure and the internal git vcs repo
Any changes made to the main branch will be reflected both in Azure and the internal git vcs repo
Setting up two Remotes
In order to support working with two remote repos from one local repo, the following steps will need to be followed:
Ensure you have access to both the internal Unity repos (VictoR SDK, SDK Example Project) as well as the external Azure DevOps repos (Victor SDK, SDK Example Project)
Clone the internal Unity repo for the Victor SDK to your local machine
Launch Git Bash and navigate to the location of the cloned Victor SDK repo
Enter the following command to ensure you have the internal Victor SDK repo set as a remote: “git remote -v”
Enter the following command to add the external Victor SDK repo as a second remote under the alias “azure”: “git remote add azure Software Development Kit/_git/VictoR Software Development Kit”
The URL for this repo can be found by:Navigate to the web page for the Azure DevOps SDK project: Software Development Kit
Select the Repos option in the left hand menu
At the top of the page, select the dropdown next to the name of the current repo, and select the repo you wish to add as a remote
Once a repo is selected, click the “Clone” button at the top right of the page to find the HTTP address of the repo
Enter the following command to ensure you have both the internal and external Victor SDK repos as remotes and push URLs: “git remote -v”
Repeat steps 2 through 7 for the Example FN SDK Unity Project repos, using steps 5a through 5d to find the appropriate URL for the Unity Example Project Azure repo