Plane Generator
The Plane Generator takes a mesh input (usually a high poly) and will output a poly with a predefined amount of faces that the curvature of the input will be projected onto. This can then be used in baking as the low poly input, or exported via the Export Mesh node.
Plane Generator creates a planar surface that spans the high-poly input to the specified coverage parameter, then performs inexpensive raycasting to sample the high-poly surface around each low-poly vertex and estimate the mid-level position. This is important in capturing surface scans as you do not want exact re-projections in order to capture height data.
You can check out our video tutorial here.
Import your high resolution mesh and connect it to the mesh pin.
Adjust the subdivisions of the plane generator, 64 is a good start. If a higher quality plane is needed you can increase the amount.
Double click the node to view the resulting output.
Node Reference
Node category | Material |
Node execution style | Manual |
Input Name | Input Type | Description |
Mesh | Mesh | High resolution model used to generate the plane. |
Output Type | Description |
Mesh | Resulting low poly mesh that contains details of the high poly on the plane |
Property/Setting | Description |
| This will determine the poly count in the output mesh, and controls how detailed it should be. The current range is between 2 and 128. This slider determines the surface area of the high poly to capture and project onto the newly generated plane. It is a percentage value that defaults to 100% i.e. the surface of the entire high poly will be projected. As it is decreased the area covered by the plane will also decrease meaning some areas will be disregarded when creating the plane. |