Color Transfer
(released version: 2020.2.0)
Node Location: Composition
Summary Description:
Transforms the color palette of one image (the source) with the color palette of another image (the target), or via a manually selected color palette.
Technical Summary:
Color transfer uses a color space mapping algorithm that relies on identifying the key points within the source and destination color spaces and then minimizing the energy of the mapping between them. It uses spline basis functions as the energy functions to minimize using the palette colors as control points for the spline. By minimizing the energy, smooth transitions between colors can be achieved. In our implementation, black is always transferred to black.
Palettes are built automatically from images by K-means clustering.
Source: the source image whose palette is to be transformed
Source Mask: allows you to restrict the source palette extraction and color transfer to a particular area of the source image.
Target: the image whose palette defines the transform
Target Mask: allows you to restrict the target palette extraction to a particular area of the target image.
- Source palette: a variable size (min 1, max 15) collection of color swatches representing the most prominent colors in the source image
- Target palette: a variable size (min 1, max 15) collection of color swatches representing the most prominent colors in the target image.
- Auto Palette: automatically generates a palette for the target and the source images, the number of colors is adjustable from 1 to 15.
- Refresh Palette: re-executes palette extraction on the Source/Target inputs.
- Delete: removes a transfer from the set.
- Color Wheel: a tool that allows you to modify the color of a swatch using a color wheel.
- Color Picker: a tool that allows you to modify the color of a swatch using an eyedropper tool. You can pick a color from anywhere on the screen.
- Swap: allows you to swap the colors of any two swatches in the entire set.
- Match (left/right arrow button): sets the target swatch to the color of the source swatch. Useful if there are particular colors you want to keep the same post-transform.
- Add Row: adds a row to the transfer set.
How to Use Color Transfer:
UX/UI Example Interaction: