Android Testing and Test Automation

Android Testing and Test Automation


The Android project utilizes https://junit.org/junit5/ and JUnit 5 for Android for performing unit testing and test automation. JUnit5 was chosen for its functionality and its clarity.


  • Android Studio

  • openjdk 11.0.11 2021-04-20 or newer

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Implementing Tests

tl;dr https://www.lordcodes.com/articles/testing-on-android-using-junit-5

Existing Project

Basic usage of the existing testing project requires no special setup, as it was created as a JUnit5 test project in the first place; review the JUnit5 documentation for detail-in-depth.

Creating a New Project

If a new testing project needs to be created, here is a quick-and-dirty rundown:

  • Add the following block of code to the project build.gradle file, before the plugins { ... } block

    • buildscript { dependencies { classpath("de.mannodermaus.gradle.plugins:android-junit5:") } }
      • Change (plugin version number) as necessary.

  • Add the following line of code to the project build.gradle file, between the android { ... } and dependencies { ... } blocks:

    • apply plugin: 'de.mannodermaus.android-junit5'

  • Add the following block of code to the project build.gradle file, in the existing dependencies { ... } block (not the one in the buildscript scope, but the one that is its own scope, following the apply plugin line):

    • dependencies { testImplementation "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.3.2" testRuntimeOnly "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.3.2" testImplementation "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params:5.3.2" // other dependencies... }

Executing Tests

To launch a test (or suite of tests):

  1. Open the SDK project in Android Studio.

  2. Navigate to the testing file that contains the test (or test suite) that you would like to execute.

  3. Click the green arrow beside the test (or test suite) that you want to run.

Note that the majority of tests require a connected Android device as well as a VictoR device that is available (i.e. at least one VictoR device that the Android device executing the test(s) can scan for and connect to).

Android VictoR SDK Project testing files
Click the green arrow(s) to execute a test

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