Versions Compared


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  • Seam Removal, Mutation, Mutation (Structure): using an Ignore mask with hard edges may sometimes cause artifacts in the output of these nodes. There is a known workaround for this problem, which is to blur (or feather) the mask edges. You can do so in one of the following ways:
    • When creating the mask using a Mask Paint node, you can adjust the hardness property of your brush at the time of painting to ensure mask edges are feathered.
    • When working with an existing mask, you can pass it through a Blur node before connecting it to the Ignore port of Smart Mutation nodes.
  • Nodes that are not recommended for Batching: Color to Mask, Color Muse, Mask Paint, Color Transfer, and in general nodes that are more specific to the individual bitmaps coming through.
  • There is an issue with Batching creating extra black maps for output folders to make up the difference in numbers, if one input folder has more maps than another.

titleArtEngine version 2021.13.1

ArtEngine version 2021.13.1

Release date: November 4th, 2021

titleOfficially supported Nvidia Drivers

Versions 461.72 or later.

New Features and Improvements

New node: Clone Stamp (Beta)

The Clone Stamp node lets you use the brush tool to paint one part of a texture over another part of the same texture.

Output Node Upgrade

The Output node properties panel has been upgraded with easy to use features especially when you want to export native Unity textures as Unity Package or using the Unity Direct Link.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users were not able to launch the application and stuck in a launch loop.
  • Fixed an issue with the Batch Output node execution.
  • Fixed memory leak issues in the following nodes: Height Generation, Normal Generation, Auto Levels and Detect Edges.
  • Fixed an issue where  Mutation Revision crashed the application with VRAM error.
  • Style Transfer (Beta) - Style Size Ratio slider steps up by 0.01 for a smooth scaling experience.
  • Fixed an issue where Blend node Subtract operation with a mask caused incorrect results.
  • Fixed an issue where the viewer did not update when imbuing the Style Transfer (Beta) node after changing an input.
  • Style Transfer (Beta) - Error handling for image types other than 8-bit three-channel images.
  • Fixed an issue where the 2D viewer image was too sharp when stamping using the Clone Stamp node
  • Fixed an issue where previously saved projects did not display all the strokes in Clone Stamp 2D viewer interface.
  •  Fixed an issue where the clone source persisted even when the input was replaced with another source in the Clone Stamp node.

Known Issues

  • Seam Removal, Mutation, Mutation (Structure): using an Ignore mask with hard edges may sometimes cause artifacts in the output of these nodes. There is a known workaround for this problem, which is to blur (or feather) the mask edges. You can do so in one of the following ways:
    • When creating the mask using a Mask Paint node, you can adjust the hardness property of your brush at the time of painting to ensure mask edges are feathered.
    • When working with an existing mask, you can pass it through a Blur node before connecting it to the Ignore port of Smart Mutation nodes.
  • Nodes that are not recommended for Batching: Color to Mask, Color Muse, Mask Paint, Color Transfer, and in general nodes that are more specific to the individual bitmaps coming through.
  • There is an issue with Batching creating extra black maps for output folders to make up the difference in numbers, if one input folder has more maps than another.

titleArtEngine version 2021.12.1

ArtEngine version 2021.12.1

Release date: August 24th, 2021

titleOfficially supported Nvidia Drivers

Versions 461.72 or later.

New Features and Improvements

Style Transfer (Beta)

The Style Transfer node has been added for you to create new assets from existing ones through AI. 

External Node

This node is used to run external programs on the input image(s) outside of ArtEngine, and to load the results onto the desired output pins of the External Execution node.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users were not able to access the CLI tool with ArtEngine Studio subscription.
  • The Color Space Conversion and Color Match nodes will no longer lose their output when upgraded to the latest version.
  • Fixed issues around exporting and overwriting a material using Unity Direct Link.
  • Unity Direct Link is now enabled for the Batch Output node.
  • Fixed various issues around collapsible frames and Templates.

Known Issues

  • Seam Removal, Mutation, Mutation (Structure): using an Ignore mask with hard edges may sometimes cause artifacts in the output of these nodes. There is a known workaround for this problem, which is to blur (or feather) the mask edges. You can do so in one of the following ways:
      • When creating the mask using a Mask Paint node, you can adjust the hardness property of your brush at the time of painting to ensure mask edges are feathered.

      • When working with an existing mask, you can pass it through a Blur node before connecting it to the Ignore port of Smart Mutation nodes.

  • Nodes that are not recommended for Batching: Color to Mask, Color Muse, Mask Paint, Color Transfer, and in general nodes that are more specific to the individual bitmaps coming through.
  • There is an issue with Batching creating extra black maps for output folders to make up the difference in numbers, if one input folder has more maps than another.



ArtEngine version 2021.3.1

Release date: March 18th, 2021

New Features and Improvements

  • Gradient node improvements: The Gradient node now has dropdown output settings.
  • Update to the Upres node: The Upres now has even more accurate results when upscaling bitmaps resolutions.
  • Resize Node - percentage based scaling: There is now a dropdown to choose the size in pixels or percentages. When pixels are selected everything is the same as the current node. In percentage dropdown - we multiply the input by the percentage.
  • Roughness Preset Values for the Roughness Node: This node now has preset Roughness values for a number of surfaces.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where the up-res of materials in batching gave an error.

  • Fixed an issue where ArtEngine was unable to perform a Seam Removal on the output of a Pattern Array.

  • Fixed an issue where Multi-Angle To Texture Node was throwing out of memory exceptions.

  • Fixed an issue where in the asset library, undo deletion of amtl material restores an unusable material.

  • Fixed an issue where when dragging a BIG .amtl (> 100MB) it appears as if the node has not been created.

Known Issues

  • Users with NVIDIA RTX 3070/3080/3090 cards will have issues with the Up-Res and JPEG Artifact Removal nodes.  Neural Match options in the Pattern Unwarp and Mutation (Structure) nodes may also have issues on these graphics cards. Users with these graphics cards will be prompted to download this version ofArtEngine.

  • Nodes that are not recommended for Batching: Color to Mask, Color Muse, Mask Paint, Color Transfer, and in general nodes that are more specific to the individual bitmaps coming through.

  • There is an issue with Batching creating extra black maps for output folders to make up the difference in numbers, if one input folder has more maps than another. 

  • The following nodes cannot be canceled during execution: JPEG Artifact Removal, Up-res, and Blur.



ArtEngine version 2021.2.1

Release date: February 22nd, 2021

New Features and Improvements

  • Crop Edit: There is now an ‘Edit in Viewer' button in the Crop node properties. This simply loads the Crop selection into the 2D viewer. The button is grayed out when the Crop window is active in the 2D viewer. When you edit the properties in the crop node it automatically invokes the Crop window in the 2D viewer and edits the values in the widget. Additionally, a 'Centre Crop Widget’ button and a ‘Reset Crop Widget' button have been added.
  • New Nodes: Metalness and Specular: These nodes contain a set number of surface presets that can be accessed from a dropdown. Selecting one of these will load the color of the preset below, with a visual representation and its hex value. The Specular node produces grayscale values, and the Metalness node produces color values. The nodes will output solid color values at a resolution of your choosing.
  • More control around overwriting files when exporting: Added an ‘Overwrite Existing Files’ checkbox in the node properties of the Batch Output, Output, and Export to Unity nodes. By default, it is unchecked. A dialog box appears when the overwrite checkbox is enabled. When overwriting maps, if there is a conflict, the existing file is backed up. If the export succeeds, that backup file is deleted. If the export fails, the exported file is deleted. When exporting maps and the overwrite checkbox is disabled, existing behaviour is preserved. Conflicting map names have a number appended to them until there are no conflicts.
  • Reduced memory requirements for Multi-Angle to Texture: Multi-Angle to Texture now works with VRAM more efficiently, and should provide you with a performance increase.
  • Update from within ArtEngineUsers can now see when a new version of the software is available from within ArtEngine. When an update is available, a green dot appears beside the Help item in the Menu bar. In the Help dropdown, you will see a new Update ArtEngine option. Here, you can download and install the newest available build of ArtEngine.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where trying to export only specific maps of a Material via the Output node would still output all maps, regardless of selection.

  • Fixed an issue where some Undo strokes would be skipped over when using the Mask Paint node.

  • Fixed an issue where the contrast slider in the High Pass node would become disabled when loading an existing project with the node already executed.

  • Fixed an issue where starting two instances of ArtEngine would cause a clash while handling the sign in.

  • Fixed an issue where giving an invalid or empty file path in the Batch output node would cause the batch run to execute but not actually export the files.

  • Fixed an issue where the Roughness Transfer node would produce a red texture instead of the correct output.

  • Fixed an issue where input maps would occasionally fail to load when opening a saved project.

  • Fixed an issue where the cursor became a cross-hair on 3D Viewer

  • Fixed an issue where duplicating a Normal Generation node would change its input type.

  • Fixed a crash where Height generation node failure would lead to being unable to then execute further nodes.

Known Issues

  • The Up-Res and JPEG Artifact Removal nodes are currently known to have issues executing on the NVIDIA RTX 3070/3080/3090 cards. Neural Match options in the Pattern Unwarp and Mutation (Structure) nodes may also have issues on these graphics cards.

  • Nodes that are not recommended for Batching: Color to Mask, Color Muse, Mask Paint, Color Transfer, and in general nodes that are more specific to the individual bitmaps coming through.

  • There is an issue with Batching creating extra black maps for output folders to make up the difference in numbers, if one input folder has more maps than another. 

  • The following nodes cannot be canceled during execution: JPEG Artifact Removal, Up-res, and Blur.
