ArtEngine version 2021.1.1

Release date: February 17th, 2021

In order to avoid any conflicts due to the name change from Artomatix ArtEngine to Unity ArtEngine, the software requires a manual uninstall if you are currently using a version before 2020.4.1.

The default location for the uninstall file is: C:\Program Files\Artomatix\Artomatix\unins000.exe

Batching solution is available for testing. Please refer to the Batching page for more details.

New Features and Improvements

Resolved Issues

Known Issues

All versions from 417.35

ArtEngine version 2020.16.1

Release date: January 5th, 2021

New Features and Improvements

  • New functionality for Pattern Array: The newest ArtEngine node just got better, now allowing you to add more variety to how the node arranges inputs in the pattern. You can vary input scaling, rotation, and offset, as well as add a degree of randomness to each of these properties, turning the Pattern Array node into a Scatter node in the process.
  • Better Ambient Occlusion Generation: The Ambient Occlusion Generation node now uses a new algorithm to produce more physically accurate results. You should see much better output when using this node. Note that old values will not produce the same results in the new node.
  • Better normal map generation for Multi-Angle to Texture: The Multi-Angle to Texture node now has a new radial compensation step and a new property to control it. This produces normal maps which preserve much better detail than before.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where ArtEngine would freeze when executing Mutation Revision on a Mutation node with a Structure Guide input.
  • Fixed an issue where ArtEngine would freeze when copying and pasting an existing part of the Node Graph that contains Mask Paint nodes connected to Mutation nodes.
  • Fixed a crash when adjusting node properties for Height Generation nodes.
  • Fixed a crash when executing JPEG Artifact Removal on 4k resolution Bitmaps.
  • Fixed an issue where a transparent texture would be displayed in the 2D Viewport when changing properties in Blend nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where the Roughness Transfer node would produce a red texture instead of the correct output.
  • Fixed an issue where input maps would occasionally fail to load when opening a saved project.
  • Fixed an issue where using Undo after disconnecting a map from the Compose Material node would bring back the connection but not the input data.
  • Fixed an issue where using Undo after deleting a folder from the Asset Library would not bring back the images that were inside that folder.
  • Disconnecting the Metalness map from a Compose Material node no longer breaks rendering in the 3D Viewport.

Known Issues

  • Nodes that are not recommended for Batching: Color to Mask, Color Muse, Mask Paint, Color Transfer, and in general nodes that are more specific to the individual bitmaps coming through.
  • There is an issue with Batching creating extra black maps for output folders to make up the difference in numbers, if one input folder has more maps than another. 
  • The following nodes cannot be canceled during execution: JPEG Artifact Removal, Up-res, and Blur.

Changelogs (2020)