March 30, 2022 - FN VictoR Controller restart II

March 30, 2022 - FN VictoR Controller restart II

Juan Marquez Ortiz


Mike Diaz

Joel Wilson


Anthony Cala

Daniel Burke

Eric D’Ercole

Scott Skidmore











Can show how to hardwire power supply


shot tracing

Image detection performance can be tricky because it is a low frame rate. Would like to augment the frame rate with IMU data. To fill in the gaps.

There is a concern that the IMU data would have a hard time with the throughput rates needed to read this IMU data to augment the computer vision to allow for better shot tracking.



BLE transfer rates are currently about 5 kb/s

Is this enough?


IMU transfer

If we are going to use IMU data as a separate file that gets transferred/processed. How much data throughput do we need?


Point of impact streaming

Point of impact needs to be streamed every frame in order for this to work. Currently not supported. Center pixel needs to be evaluated on every frame.

What FN could do is add aim point to BLE data.


Drop schedule

FN/Jabil is waterfall and not agile.

They can try to give us drops on a regular schedule or individual drops per feature update.

FN would like “less development” - They would like Unity to slow down.


software drops

Juan would prefer 1 software drop per feature.


ICD updates

Would that mean an ICD update per drop? The ICD seems to be the hard part for FN.

FN is offering a “change log” or “release notes” instead of ICD. Eventually those notes get rolled into the ICD.


Jabil dev

Can we work more closely with a Jabil developer? Add one to our sprints.


1-2 x per week (Jabil)

If the Jabil pushback is on the time per week maybe we can just have them in our standup 1-2x per week.


How important is firmware?

Terrence - Most blockers are firmware update related. Followed by availability. 80/20 split


What is needed in firmware update?

Need aimpoint adjustment (software zero) - 1st priority.

Need IMU data


Where are firmware updates?

Slowdown on firmware update is bases on bugs found. FN does not want to drop updates with known bugs.

Joel asked for more updates with known bugs.


Mounting orientation

Sometimes we see that up is down, left is right, etc.

FN offered to put Unity together with the original developer to help debug the issue.


Holster draw

That should be worked on after trigger detection. It may just need a firmware update, and update that is ready and needs to be integrated into a drop.


What data is needed to complete shot tracing capability?

Juan/Terrence - Translation and Rotation from the accelerometer.


Shot zero

Scott - Shot zeroing should collect the X, Y offset distance. But ALSO the distance that the shot was zeroed.

J/T - we don’t currently do that - need a firmware update to do that



FN meeting with Unity/ FN/Jabil requested.

Weekly to discuss status, problems, blockers



Unity is asking for dedicated Jabil developer

Estimate is 10-15 hours per week in order to avoid blocking

Software and Aimpoint are priorities to Unity

Terrence - get a Jabil developer in a Slack channel.



Moving targets not supported by the firmware.


Trigger Detection

Trigger detection is currently software only but can be written to the device when the firmware supports it.


Previous session download

Is this supported?

Group went through the ICD together to find if/how it is supported.

Group discussed if this capability is a good idea to try to download over BLE? Should it be limited to USB connection? Session may be a large file.

FN/Jabil needs to define this in the requirements or ICD.

Bill Hargen

New Lead Engineer

Discussion of center pixel transmittal.

Bill introduced to group.

Scott - Currently the device is not transmitting the center pixel. Unity is using that. Can we add that to the transmittal?

When a shot is detected, can we dump 4 seconds of IMU data? Contains distance to target plus predicted point of impact.

Also need to increase the data rate of the IMU during this dump to log. (At shot detect)

Updated rate is 120 to 150 samples per second.


Scott - how long will this take?

Bill - All the data is already available. Just a matter of updating the ICD/Firmware.



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