Node Graph

Node Graph


What is the node graph?

The node graph is the main workspace of the software, the majority of the commands and processes are built within here.

Step-by-step guide

  1. You can double click on a node from the node panel, or drag it directly into the node graph to create an instance of it.
  2. Additionally you can right-click the node graph for a quick selection menu.
  3. You can select and move a node by dragging it from and part of the surface.
  4. You can delete a node by selecting it, and pressing the ‘DELETE’ key on your keyboard.
  5. To break a link between two nodes, right-click on the input/output port of a node.
  6. You can overwrite a connection by dragging a new one over the currently occupied port.
  7. To add a new branch, click the node from where the new branch has to be added and add a new node. (Available from 2020.10.x)
  8. To add a node between two nodes, click the connection wire and add a node.
  9. To see the node properties left-click it once.
  10. To see the material attached to it in the 2D and 3D viewers double click the material.
  11. You can save your project as an artograph with the button on the top-bar. You will be asked to select a path and the name of your artograph. To open an already existing artograph, simply click on the button. This means you can store complex graphs and come back to them at a later date.
  12. To view the output of a node, you can drag and drop the thumbnail onto the 2D/3D viewers by holding right-click and dragging.

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