Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The following nodes cannot be canceled during execution: JPEG Artifact Removal, Up-res, and Blur.



supported Nvidia Drivers


All versions from 417.35


titleNov 2020

Version: 2020.14.1 - Released on November 17, 2020

  • In order to avoid any conflicts due to the name change from Artomatix ArtEngine to Unity ArtEngine, the software requires a manual uninstall if you are currently using a version before 2020.4.1.

- The default location for the uninstall file is: C:\Program Files\Artomatix\Artomatix\unins000.exe

  • Batching solution is available for testing. Please refer to the Batching page for more details. 


  • Unity Licensing

- We have migrated user accounts and licensing to Unity. You will now need to have a Unity account to access this and subsequent releases.

  • Simplified license activation

- If you have an ArtEngine seat assigned to you in the Unity ID account you just need to press Activate New License to acquire the license on start up.

  • Basic Shape Node

- The new Basic Shape Node allows users to easily create basic shapes using a host of parameters in their workflow.

- Check out Basic Shape Node for more information.

  • Improved Normal to Height generation.

Resolved Issues:

  • In this release, we fixed issues around affecting Mask Paint, Multi Angle to Texture and Mutation.

Known Issues:

  • Nodes that are not recommended for Batching: Color to Mask, Color Muse, Mask Paint, Color Transfer, and in general nodes that are more specific to the individual bitmaps coming through.
  •  There is an issue with Batching creating extra black maps for output folders to make up the difference in numbers, if one input folder has more maps than another. 
  •  If you are upgrading from version 2019.44.3 or earlier, the outputs of the Smart Mutation nodes (Mutation, Mutation Structure, Seam Removal, and Content-Aware-Fill) and Color Match will be slightly different in the 2020 versions.

- Although we are working to ensure all outputs are maintained between versions, we are always working to improve our Smart Mutation nodes, so sometimes there will be minor differences when loading in a new version.

- We will notify you in the change logs and via email so that you can export previous versions to keep before upgrading to new versions. 

  • The following nodes cannot be canceled during execution: JPEG Artifact Removal, Up-res, and Blur.

Officially Supported Nvidia Drivers:

All versions from 417.35


titleApr 2020

Version: 2020.4.1 - Released on April 23, 2020

  • ArtEngine has joined the Unity Technologies family. ArtEngine has joined the Unity Technologies family. The branding in the splash screen, desktop shortcut, and name within the app have been updated..
  • In order to avoid any conflicts due to the name change from Artomatix ArtEngine to Unity ArtEngine, the software requires a manual uninstall before installing the most recent version.

    -The default location for the uninstall file is C:\Program Files\Artomatix\Artomatix\unins000.exe

  • ArtEngine is also now visible in the Add/Remove program sections in Windows.


  • We have added a new Noise (Gaussian) node which generates smooth and random Gaussian noise that are tileable and customizable. The
  • We have added a new Normal Generation node. Four new sliders have been added which gives precise control when generating normal maps. 
    - The previous Normal Generation node is still available as Normal Generation (Legacy) and will be deprecated in the future. We will give at least a month's notice before we do this. 
    - We have not updated the normal generation function within Material Generation. We recommend that users create their PBR maps using the individual generation nodes for the highest quality results.
  • 3D Viewer can now load materials without locking the node graph. This is shown by a progress bar in the bottom right hand corner and is most noticeable with 8K textures.
  • Improved error handling in various nodes.

Resolved Issues:

  • Fixed issues around tiling and zoom level when switching between nodes.
  • Fixed issues related to copy-pasting nodes, saving projects.
  • Fixed minor bugs around UX/UI issues and general performance bugs.

Known Issues:

  • Loading projects from previous versions can sometimes take longer to load, and open with disconnected wires. Reconnecting the wires and saving in the current version should fix this issue.
  • The following nodes cannot be canceled, so the user has to wait until they are executed: JPEG Artifact Removal, Up-res, Blur, and Albedo Generation (although this node usually executes quickly).

Officially Supported Nvidia Drivers:

  • All versions from 417.35


titleMar 2020

Version: 2020.3.1 - Released on March 23, 2020

New Features:

  • ArtEngine has joined the Unity Technologies family. The branding in the splash screen has been updated.


  • Color picker can now pick colors from secondary monitor.
  • Improvements to nodes such as Color Transfer, Detect Edges, High Pass and Blur
  • Improved error handling in various nodes.

Resolved Issues:

  • Fixed various issues around loading and saving projects .
  • Fixed seams introduced by Gradient Removal node.
  • Fixed minor bugs around UX/UI issues and general performance bugs.

Known Issues:

  • Loading projects from previous versions can sometimes take longer to load, and open with disconnected wires. Reconnecting the wires and saving in the current version should fix this issue.
  • The following nodes cannot be canceled, so the user has to wait until they are executed: JPEG Artifact Removal, Up-res, Blur, and Albedo Generation (although this node usually executes quickly).

Officially Supported Nvidia Drivers:

  • All versions from 417.35

Version: 2020.2.1 - Released on March 04, 2020

New Features:

  • We have added a new Color Transfer node, which allows for more fine tuned control of transferring colors from a target image onto a source image, or manual selecting the colors for your source image
  • We have also added three new image adjustment nodes: High Pass, Detect Edges, and Autolevels


  • Roughness Generation now has an option to output a Gloss map instead of a Roughness map. The node was renamed to Roughness / Gloss Generation
  • Saving projects is faster and usually instant after the initial save. If it will take time to save because of additional data being saved, a progress bar appears in the bottom right corner of the node graph.

Resolved Issues:

  • Addressed a variety of Mask Paint bugs that would sometimes cause the software to freeze or crash
  • Fixed small bug fixes around UX/UI issues and general performance bugs

Known Issues:

  • Loading projects from previous versions can sometimes take longer to load, and open with disconnected wires. Reconnecting the wires and saving in the current version should fix this issue.
  • The following nodes cannot be canceled, so the user has to wait until they are executed: JPEG Artifact Removal, Up-res, Blur, and Albedo Generation (although this node usually executes quickly).

Officially Supported Nvidia Drivers:

  • All versions from 417.35
